FarmVille Hints, Tips, Cheats and Competitions for $$Cash££ game prizes
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Sunday 6 December 2009
Farmville tips - How to earn more cash and XP and awards faster!
The Farmville Good Samaritan Ribbon is earned by helping out on your neighbours farms.

Each time you complete a friend mission by tending to your neighbours’ farms and raking leaves, weeds or scaring away a Farmville pest you earn up to 5 XP as well as 20 coins per neighbour

The Good Samaritan Ribbon can be a very annoying and long ribbon to earn because the last Blue Ribbon will require you to visit 2,500 friends!

I have discovered a way to earn this ribbon a lot faster via this clever trick/cheat.
It will allow you to visit each neighbor INFINITE! times in one day and receive the coins and XP as well as counting towards your Samaritan award!
I tried it myself and wasable to visit one neighbour anywhere from 3- 30 at once, how fast I click etc - Be careful not to accidently click send gift or change neighbours and don't click too late!

This is how it works:

Click on a users icon to visit their farm and keep on clicking visit their farm, visit their farm over and over before you click 'Accept' on the tasks given - the tasks will STACK! After you've done that numerous times - as many as you like ! then press accept and you should be able to do many tasks for them over and over earning you a lot of extra cash and XP every day!


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Tips on playing Farmville and getting the most money play
How to fix the FarmVille Lag

Many of you would probably have experienced some lag while you played Farmville. An easy solution is to do the following. Open your task manager (ctrl + alt + delete) then go to the process tab. Look for the iexplore.exe or firefox.exe process (depends which one you are using to load Farmville). Select the one using the most memory and select “affinity” and disable cpu 0.

Farmville Multiple Chicken Coop Cheat


Yes, it is possible to have more than one Farmville Chicken Coop.

This cheat or trick has been out awhile, but many people are still asking how to do it.

Here is a quick Cheat Sheet:

Two Chicken Coop Cheat

1. Open two tabs. One to your Farmville farm and the other tab to your Facebook home page.
2. If you already have a Chicken Coop, remove your Chickens.
3. Sell your existing Chicken Coop.
4. Visit the Farmville Market- and you should now see Chicken Coop as unlocked. Do NOT buy yet. Leave this tab open.
5. Now switch to your Facebook tab and search your newsfeed for any available Mystery Eggs. Once you find a Mystery Egg, open it in a new tab. DO NOT click OK yet.
6. Return to Farmville Market and now purchase a Chicken Coop for $5,000 coins.
7. Place just purchased Chicken Coop on your farm.
8. Click “Play” to reload your farm. You should see your chicken coop that you just placed and you should also have another Chicken Coop in your Gift Box.
9. Place Chicken Coop from Giftbox on your farm.

You should now have 2 Chicken Coops!

If you need more explanation or are a visual learner, there is a great video explaining this process below:

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